Winning the Checkout: Optimising Your Payment Gateway for Maximum Conversion

shopping online

In eCommerce, everything leads to a single, critical moment—the checkout. The checkout gateway is the final hurdle before a sale is complete, yet it’s also where many potential buyers slip away. Figures suggest that for the current year shopping cart abandonment rates have increased by as much as 9%, meaning the majority of shoppers leave before completing their purchase. That’s a staggering loss of potential revenue.

There are many reasons for basket abandonment. For example, 37% of shoppers abandoned their carts due to greater financial caution and 27% of potential purchases are abandoned due to a lack of preferred delivery options at the checkout.

Consumer expectations are higher than ever before. Shoppers will seek the path of least resistance to get the products they desire. A seamless, user-friendly checkout gateway can make all the difference, turning browsers into buyers. In this post, we’ll explore how optimising your checkout gateway can significantly reduce cart abandonment, increase conversions and maximise your sales potential.

Cost Transparency

couple buying on laptop

The number one reason for basket abandonment is unexpected additional costs, such as charges for returns or unexpected duties or taxes being payable. Surprise fees cause frustration and can disrupt the purchase decision. In fact, our joint report with Retail Economics found 55% of shoppers abandon their carts when they encounter return charges during checkout​. 

Shoppers prefer transparency. Ensuring your pricing is clear and upfront is the key to reducing this issue.

At GFS we can enhance cost transparency at the checkout by providing real-time shipping rate calculations and a tax and duties calculator, allowing your eCommerce business to display accurate shipping costs upfront. This transparency provides the customer with the all the information they need to complete the purchase. As a result, eCommerce stores using GFS Checkout have found their basket conversion rates increase by over 16.5%*.

**Source: GFS Checkout average conversion rate in last 360 days vs average global conversion rate of 2.58%, Invesp 2021.

The Frictionless Checkout Gateway

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So what strategies can your eCommerce business employ to iron out the checkout experience and give it the edge in the competition?

  • Enable Guest Checkout: Forcing users to create an account before completing a purchase is a common reason for cart abandonment. Offering a guest checkout option can remove this barrier and expedite the process for first-time buyers.

  • Reduce Form Fields: Simplifying the checkout by asking for only essential information can significantly reduce friction. Studies show that a significant increase in conversion rates can be achieved by reducing the number of form fields to 7 or 8​.

  • Offer Multiple Payment Options: Ensure customers have access to their preferred payment methods, such as credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. Providing flexibility can reduce abandonment.

  • Implement One-Click Checkout: Similar to what Amazon offers, one-click checkout speeds up the process for returning customers. Platforms like Shopify and Magento allow businesses to store payment and shipping details, letting users complete a purchase with a single click.

  • Auto-Detect Shipping Address: Use tools that auto-fill shipping address fields based on postal codes or geolocation to minimise manual input.

  • Show Progress Indicators: Clearly display a step-by-step progress indicator to give customers visibility into how close they are to completing the purchase. This reassures them and reduces drop-off rates. For example, eCommerce companies such as Allbirds or Gymshark use a clear, simple progress bar during checkout to guide users through steps such as “Shipping Information,” “Payment,” and “Review Order.”

  • Mobile-Optimised Checkout: With mobile cart abandonment rates higher than desktop, ensure the checkout process is optimised for mobile devices. Offer easy navigation, quick loading times and large buttons for a smooth mobile experience.

Delivery, Delivery, Delivery

man delivering parcel

“Everything, everywhere, all at once”. In the current landscape, customer expectations are at an all-time high and loyalty is fragile. 65% of shoppers have stopped an online order at checkout stage due to lack of delivery choice and convenience. 71% of customers abandon their basket due to slow delivery times, and other factors such as delivery costs and lack of options play a significant role.

At GFS Deliver, we optimise every parcel, every time, everywhere. Here’s how we can help:

  • Flexible Delivery Options GFS provides access to a variety of delivery options, including standard, next-day and same-day delivery services. This flexibility allows your eCommerce business to offer customers choices that fit their needs and preferences.

  • Cost-Effective Solutions Through our network of carrier partners and our expertise in negotiating rates we keep your shipping costs as low as they can be.

  • Integrated Technology GFS provides technology solutions that integrate with eCommerce platforms. This integration streamlines the order fulfilment process, automates shipping label creation and offers real-time tracking. 

  • International Shipping for businesses looking to expand globally, GFS offers international shipping solutions. Our services include handling customs and cross-border logistics, making it easier for your eCommerce business to reach international markets.

  • Scalable Solutions GFS services can scale with the growth of your eCommerce business. Whether you are handling a small volume of orders or experiencing rapid growth, GFS Deliver can adapt to changing needs and provide support accordingly.

  • Data and Insights GFS can offer insights and analytics related to shipping performance, costs and customer behaviour. This data can help your eCommerce business make informed decisions about your delivery strategies, optimise shipping processes, and identify areas for improvement.

Frictionless Checkout with GFS

At GFS Deliver, we understand that the checkout process is about creating a frictionless experience, from start to finish, that ensures your customers follow through on their buying intent. Check out a recent case-study with The Cambium Group to see how GFS helped them meet the ‘gold star’ expectations of their customer base within the wedding and gifting sector and expand their business.

Get started on winning the checkout with GFS today.