About GFS

Our vision

To be the go-to delivery experts shaping tomorrow’s eCommerce delivery possibilities.

Our mission

To be the single one-stop shop for simple access to the widest range of multi-carrier services, technology and expertise, empowering eCommerce businesses to grow globally and turn delivery into a valuable asset.

Core value proposition

We help eCommerce businesses grow global sales, maximise the customer experience and manage operational efficiency and risk.

We do this by combining multi-carrier delivery services with technology and logistics support. GFS gives retailers everything they need to deliver to customers worldwide – all in one place.

This is what makes us not only different – but unique.

Our brand

We are:


Our history and presence means there’s little we don’t know about delivery.


We have long standing relationships with well-respected brands and carriers.


We help retailers find every opportunity and overcome every challenge.


We help our customers reach the next stage of their growth.

Our customers

  • B2C and B2B eCommerce businesses

  • Ship 75+ parcels a day

  • Sell across multiple sales channels and online marketplaces (eBay, Amazon etc)

  • Ship internationally or have ambitions to scale

Our personas


Key decision-makers in the areas of pick, pack and dispatch, returns and processing, and the business’ supply chain.

Driven by KPIs including cost/speed of dispatch, customer satisfaction, and pick/pack accuracy.

Always looking for ways to do things faster, better, and cheaper.

Communications must be direct, decisive, and don’t shy away from risk. Any communications must feature hard-hitting, top-level statistics and avoid any flowery language.


The objective for these decision-makers is to generate greater profits, find new growth opportunities, increase knowledge of international markets and anticipate disruptive next-generation technology.

Driven by growing sales and reducing cart abandonment through improving customer satisfaction.

Under pressure from rising carrier costs, complex tariffs, customer demands, and ever-improving technology.

Communications can be more emotive; the topic of customer experience/satisfaction should be the core focus.

Tone of voice

Our tone of voice is: Professional but human

“GFS’ pioneering delivery solutions deliver a market-leading delivery experience with less cost, time and effort.”

Friendly, not quirky or funny

“If you need a delivery partner that’s got your back this peak, contact us now to see how we can support you.”

Helpful and informative but not patronising

“You probably already know that contactless delivery has become the norm.”

Relaxed but not chatty

“The busiest peak ever? We think so, yes.”

Our logo

Please click on each logo to download them.

Our colour logo is used on white, or light coloured backgrounds.

Our white logo is used on darker coloured backgrounds and photographs.

Occasionally, in instances where the logo is to be placed on a bright coloured background, a full white logo can be used to ensure legibility.

Logo usage

Primary logo spacing

Do not place our logo in close proximity to other design elements such as text and other logos.

Strapline logo spacing

Maintain a safe space around the logo of at least one third of the logo’s height.




RGB: 192-40-26
CMYK: 17-97-100-7
HEX: #c0281a

Tech Blue

RGB: 0-67-168
CMYK: 100-83-0-0
HEX: #0043a8

Primary colour set

Our primary colours are dark blue, red and white, however our dark blue and red are not to be used together. We believe red represents innovation and our passion for fuelling growth, while blue envokes trust and professionalism.


Tech Blue Gradient

RGB: 1-22-56
CMYK: 99-88-44-56
HEX: #011638

eCommerce Blue

RGB: 0-125-219
CMYK: 80-48-0-0
HEX: #007ddb

eCommerce Blue Gradient

RGB: 0-71-123
CMYK: 100-78-27-46
HEX: #00477b

Logistics Blue

RGB: 56-172-236
CMYK: 66-17-0-0
HEX: #38acec

Logistics Blue Gradient

RGB: 22-111-159
CMYK: 89-52-18-2
HEX: #166f9f

Secondary colour

Our secondary colours are tech blue gradient, ecommerce blue, ecommerce blue gradient, logistic blue and logistic blue gradient.

Highlight colours

Yellow Highlight

RGB: 254-218-50
CMYK: 2-11-90-0
HEX: #feda32

Blue Highlight

RGB: 50-139-255
CMYK: 71-44-0-0
HEX: #328bff

Highlight colours

Our highlight colours are Yellow and blue.

Background colours

Light Grey

RGB: 242-243-244
CMYK: 4-2-2-0
HEX: #f2f3f4

Medium Grey

RGB: 212-217-218
CMYK: 14-10-10-0
HEX: #d8d9da

Dark Grey

RGB: 34-31-32
CMYK: 71-67-64-74
HEX: #221f20

Light Blue

RGB: 70-117-201
CMYK: 67-11-17-0
HEX: #46b1c9

Background colours

Light grey, medium grey, dark grey and light blue.


Tech Gradient



eCommerce Gradient



Logistics Gradient



We have three gradient options. Tech gradient, eCommere gradient and Logistics gradient. These can be used on backgrounds, lines and image overlays.

Web fonts

Poppins Bold

Heading font

Poppins Semi-bold

Sub heading font

Poppins Regular

Body font

Poppins bold is our heading font for web. It is an attractive geomtric sans-sefit font. Our body font for web is Poppins regular however poppins semi-bold can be used for sub headings.

Print fonts

Heading font

Sub heading font

Body font

Avenir is a minimal and modular san-serif font which gives a futuristic look to a design. Use Avenir bold, medium and book font for our print/documents. Our powerpoint template is created with the Century Gothic font.


Professional, airy, authentic, modern.

Our images can be cropped in a circle or placed as a background image. For better legibilty of text apply a low opacity black overlay on top of the image.

A light grey gradient effect can also be added to the image when used as a background image with a content box postioned on the light grey area.

Imagery usage examples


Outlined, rounded, simple, bold.

They are a visual expression of our products and services and should have a consistent visual style.

Do not rotate or stretch the icons and when placed in a circle do not alter the shape of the circle.

Graphical backgrounds

Topography with a colour overlay or placed on a white background with little opacity.

Graphical elements

Solid circles and circle outlines are used to add visual interest to our designs and it also represents global/international service.

Imagery and bold colours sections are used to grab attention.

Imagery and bold coloured sections are used to grab attention and angular shapes with solid colours are used to create impact and contrast in our designs. We also have a roadmap graphic which is used inline with our services icons.

Illustration and animation

The animation and illustration style on the website and videos are designed to make GFS more approachable and contemporary. They bring a more human approach to the brand, and help us explain complicated technology or stories in a simple and easy to understand way.