Brand Guidelines
About GFS
Our logo
Please click on each logo to download them.
Logo usage
Primary logo spacing
Do not place our logo in close proximity to other design elements such as text and other logos.
Strapline logo spacing
Maintain a safe space around the logo of at least one third of the logo’s height.
RGB: 192-40-26
CMYK: 17-97-100-7
HEX: #c0281a
Tech Blue
RGB: 0-67-168
CMYK: 100-83-0-0
HEX: #0043a8
Primary colour set
Our primary colours are dark blue, red and white, however our dark blue and red are not to be used together. We believe red represents innovation and our passion for fuelling growth, while blue envokes trust and professionalism.
Tech Blue Gradient
RGB: 1-22-56
CMYK: 99-88-44-56
HEX: #011638
eCommerce Blue
RGB: 0-125-219
CMYK: 80-48-0-0
HEX: #007ddb
eCommerce Blue Gradient
RGB: 0-71-123
CMYK: 100-78-27-46
HEX: #00477b
Logistics Blue
RGB: 56-172-236
CMYK: 66-17-0-0
HEX: #38acec
Logistics Blue Gradient
RGB: 22-111-159
CMYK: 89-52-18-2
HEX: #166f9f
Secondary colour
Our secondary colours are tech blue gradient, ecommerce blue, ecommerce blue gradient, logistic blue and logistic blue gradient.
Highlight colours
Yellow Highlight
RGB: 254-218-50
CMYK: 2-11-90-0
HEX: #feda32
Blue Highlight
RGB: 50-139-255
CMYK: 71-44-0-0
HEX: #328bff
Highlight colours
Our highlight colours are Yellow and blue.
Background colours
Light Grey
RGB: 242-243-244
CMYK: 4-2-2-0
HEX: #f2f3f4
Medium Grey
RGB: 212-217-218
CMYK: 14-10-10-0
HEX: #d8d9da
Dark Grey
RGB: 34-31-32
CMYK: 71-67-64-74
HEX: #221f20
Light Blue
RGB: 70-117-201
CMYK: 67-11-17-0
HEX: #46b1c9
Background colours
Light grey, medium grey, dark grey and light blue.
Tech Gradient
eCommerce Gradient
Logistics Gradient
We have three gradient options. Tech gradient, eCommere gradient and Logistics gradient. These can be used on backgrounds, lines and image overlays.
Graphical backgrounds
Topography with a colour overlay or placed on a white background with little opacity.
Graphical elements
Solid circles and circle outlines are used to add visual interest to our designs and it also represents global/international service.
Imagery and bold colours sections are used to grab attention.
Imagery and bold coloured sections are used to grab attention and angular shapes with solid colours are used to create impact and contrast in our designs. We also have a roadmap graphic which is used inline with our services icons.
Illustration and animation
The animation and illustration style on the website and videos are designed to make GFS more approachable and contemporary. They bring a more human approach to the brand, and help us explain complicated technology or stories in a simple and easy to understand way.