Ecommerce Platform
Selro connects and automates multi-channel selling processes to save time on creating listings, stock updates, order processing, picking and packing.
Selro connects and automates multi-channel selling processes to save time on creating listings, stock updates, order processing, picking and packing.
Selro is a cloud based multi-channel selling management software that integrates marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Rakuten, Wayfair, Wish, etc. and Webstores like Magento, Shopify, Prestashop, Woocommerce, Volusion, etc. to create a centralised inventory for online retailers. The automated system helps with multi-channel inventory management, multi-channel orders and shipping management.
Integrate with GFS to access 1000+ delivery and returns services, as well as our end-to-end Enterprise Carrier Management suite (ECM) for multi-carrier labelling, despatch, tracking and reporting.
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RH12 1EH
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Registered Address: Global Freight Solutions Ltd, Irwin Mitchell LLP Riverside East, 2 Millsands, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 8DT
Website design and build by Tweak Marketing