Fast facts:
eCommerce in the United Kingdom
UK Demographics
68.8 million
Median household income:
GBP 32,300
Employment rate:
Mobile phone connections:
71.8 million
Internet users:
66.11 million
Active social media users:
57.1 million
Shopping Online in the UK
Key product categories
Top Online Marketplaces:
Most Popular Markets for Cross-Border Shopping
1. China
2. US
3. Germany
4. Spain
5. France
Generational Shopping Patterns
Forty percent of Gen Z consumers said they prefer online shopping to in-store shopping, versus 35% of Millennials and 27% of Gen X and older. While millennials and Gen X prefer online shopping because it’s available 24/7, Gen Z prefers it as its easier to search for what they want online, find brands, and get a personalised experience.
Generational Shopping Patterns
Forty percent of Gen Z consumers said they prefer online shopping to in-store shopping, versus 35% of Millennials and 27% of Gen X and older. While millennials and Gen X prefer online shopping because it’s available 24/7, Gen Z prefers it as its easier to search for what they want online, find brands, and get a personalised experience.
Delivery Preferences in the UK
of customers expect to see sustainable delivery options in 2023.
of shoppers expect free returns alongside free shipping.
of consumers in the UK stated that they typically avoided buying from a business below a 4-star rating.